Artisan Dental Laboratory’s technicians are trained for all implant systems. We are available to assist you with simple implant restorations to complex milled bar cases. Our goal for you is to make implant dentistry profitable, successful, and fun.
SR Z360
Our SR Z360 is a full zirconia screw-retained implant crown which is is easily retrievable for cleaning and maintenance. The SR Z360 eliminates cementation complications that come with traditional restorations, protecting your patient from implant failure.

Manufacturer Specific Abutments
Our genuine abutments offer the safest method for seating crowns to implants without voiding your patient’s manufacturer warranty. We support a wide variety of genuine abutments from providers like Straumann®, Biomet 3i™, ASTRA TECH, and Nobel Biocare®.

Non-Manufacturer Specific Abutments
Artisan Dental Laboratory offers patient-specific abutments, an inexpensive alternative to genuine abutments. Our custom abutments are compatible with most major implants