Metal Based

Artisan Dental Laboratory designs and fabricates the finest all ceramic restorations. We understand the importance of blending your patient’s restoration with surrounding dentition to produce a natural looking restorative product so that your patient is satisfied with their new lifelike smile.

PFM – (1 to 5 Crowns) 7 Days In Lab (Bridges) 10 days In Lab

A reputation of the highest quality is built on the artistry of our porcelain to metal crowns. These are anything but your standard restorations. We use the finest ceramics available today for long term durability and natural esthetics. Typically fused to noble or white high noble alloys.

PFM Thumbnail

Single crowns, all bridge applications including long span bridges, implants, dark preps.

Metal allergies.

D2750 Crown Porcelain fused to high noble
D2751 Crown Porcelain fused to non-precious
D2752 Crown Porcelain fused to semi-precious
D6750 Crown Porcelain fused to high noble (bridge units)
D6751 Crown Porcelain fused to non-precious (bridge units)
D6752 Crown Porcelain fused to semi-precious (bridge units)

The ideal preparation for PFMs is a chamfer margin preparation. If a porcelain labial margin is prescribed, then a shoulder margin preparation is required.
Feather-edge margin preparations are indicated for full-cast restorations.

Panavia 21 – tin plated
Glass ionomer cement (GC Fuji, GC America)
Zinc Phosphate Polycarboxylate
Resin Ionomer cement (RelyX, 3M ESPE)

Full Gold Crown – 6 Days In Lab

For thousands of years, gold has been the material of choice in dental prosthetics. These dental restorations can last a patient’s lifetime. Gold restorations are completely biocompatible with gingival tissue and remarkably resistant to plaque.

Full Cast Crown Thumbnail

For single crowns as well as bridges anywhere in the mouth.

Partials and metal allergies.

D2790 Crown Full-Cast Hi-Noble Metal
D2791 Crown Full-Cast Predominantly Base Metal
D2792 Crown Full-Cast Noble Metal

Inlays and onlays can also be fabricated as a full-cast restoration. Feather-edge margin preparations are indicated for full-cast restorations, but any margin preparation may be used.

Panavia 21 (Must be tinplated if precious metal is used)
Glass ionomer cement (GC Fuji, GC America)
Zinc Phosphate Polycarboxylate Resin Ionomer cement (RelyX, 3M ESPE)