Strategic Alliances

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Over the course of 25 years, Artisan Dental Laboratory has built and maintained a longstanding partnership with OHSU’s School of Dentistry. Our relationship with OHSU ensures that we provide the highest level of education to future dentists.

We’re also able to stay up-to-date in emerging dental laboratory technologies through our participation in the TEREC Group, a strategic alliance of 15 dental laboratories, mostly from the central and eastern sections of the U.S. This group of widely renowned laboratories gather once every four months to compare product information and exchange experiences as to what’s working and what isn’t. We’re able to work directly with manufacturers, who present their new products and technologies, which TEREC Members are able to test exclusively before they’re available to any other dental labs.

This experience with next-generation products means that our customers can offer them to their patients more quickly after their release to market, which ultimately provides the best possible product for your patient.